Saturday, October 5, 2024

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Weekly Horoscopes On June 10 – 16

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The key to joy is always found within yourself. Happiness is this week’s message and theme for five specific zodiac signs starting June 10 – 16. Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, and Cancer are the five zodiac signs that will have the best weekly horoscopes, and there is something here for everyone, too.

First of all, we begin the week on a powerful note with Mars in Taurus. The red planet leaves Aries on June 9 and will transit through Taurus until July 20.  Mars in Taurus placement works perfectly for this week’s energy. It’s because Taurus is an easy-going placement for Mars.  It’s time to focus on the finer things in life and work steadily.  We don’t have to miss smelling the roses along the way. You can call this week a more grounded manifestation of Mars. However, there can be some stubbornness between conflicting ideologies within the collective instead of a desire to seek common ground or creative solutions.

The Gemini Stellium of Mercury, Sun, and Venus is the second beneficial force of the week. This group of planets is here to lighten our hearts and remind us that laughter and joy can make the darkest clouds easier to bear.

In fact, the lightness of spirit can spark your imagination and inspire you to blow those clouds away yourself! Since the Moon will transit from Leo to Libra this week, try to be more conscious of making a space for ourselves in the world while being a positive presence in the communities we are a part of. Now, let’s focus on the five zodiac signs.

Five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for June 10 – 16:

1. Pisces

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Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Other Pisces

Best area to focus on: Singing/developing your voice

Pisces, the first half of this week will be absolutely fabulous for you, due to a lovely relationship between the Moon and Mercury! Walk in style and be your true self. No one can budge you from your true path if you choose to be consciously unafraid. Positive affirmations will definitely help you during tough times, so double down on uplifting words.

The second half of the week will be more poignant and ponderous when things become complicated between the Moon, Saturn, and Mercury. If you don’t feel like spending time with too many people, only spend time with your close friends or loved ones. Recharge your batteries and set healthy boundaries. You’ve got this!

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2. Aries

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Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Leo & Other Aries

Best area to focus on: Self-care and self-love

Aries, the first half of the week will be a beautiful period for you, thanks to Pluto and Mars, especially if you are in the throes of first love or a new romance. Let your creative side come out and play. The more accepting you are of who you are, the better your experiences will be.

The second half of the week, the Moon enters Libra, and it may bring a few disappointments, but always remember that you are on the best horoscopes list for a reason. It’s the cosmic way of clearing away what’s not for you from your path so you don’t get distracted by the unnecessary and its sparkles. Grounding yourself through meditation can definitely help you during this phase.

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3. Aquarius

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Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Family or conceiving a child

Aquarius, your life is your own. That’s the message for you for this message. Don’t allow anyone to pull your strings like a puppet wrangler (banter intended). If you stay grounded within yourself, you will always know how to do right by yourself and those dependent on you without getting swayed by the glitz and glamor of the Joneses.

The second half of the week will be more pleasant for you, especially if you reuniting with a loved one after a long period of time. Even if you don’t have anything special planned with others, you are encouraged to spend more time with those you love instead of seeking emotionally unfulfilling adventures. It will all make sense soon when the puzzle pieces finally fall into place.

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4. Virgo

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Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Aquarius

Best area to focus on: Playing and having fun

Virgo, this week’s energy is absolutely fantastic for you! If you don’t have plans to go to the theatre or watch a movie on the big screen, make some plans now. Enticing surprises await you on this path. Bonus points if you take all your loved ones or best mates with you!

The second half of the week will call on you to strike a balance between doing and being. All work and no play will seriously dull your heart, so be more mindful and don’t let workaholicism consume you.

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5. Cancer

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Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Meditation and introspection for the purpose of personal growth

Cancer, this week’s energy for you is all about love and family. If you lean into these relationships, they will strengthen you from within for what’s to come next. The first half of the week will be especially poignant when asked to be a better team player and ensure everyone’s needs are being met (including yours).

The second half of the week will be terrific if you attend a family gathering or a wedding. Even if you’re not, you will find joy and camaraderie in the company of your best friends, especially if you unite in one person’s home for a round of beers and barbeque.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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