Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tommy Robinson addresses thousands of supporters at Parliament Square

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Tommy Robinson and thousands of his supporters have arrived in central London ahead of a protest in Parliament Square where the far-right activist’s latest film will be shown on a big screen.

Groups from across the UK linked to football disorder are expected to attend the event organised by Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon, the Metropolitan Police said ahead of the action.

Tommy Robinson supporters waving Union Jack and St George’s Cross flags mingled with bemused fans of Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid arriving in the capital to cheer on their teams at the UEFA Champions League Final in Wembley on Saturday night.

Crowds move off from Victoria Station
Crowds move off from Victoria Station (Hope Not Hate)

The protest set off from the Victoria station area at about 1pm, heading to Parliament Square, where speeches will take place and a film will be shown.

Laurence Fox was pictured alongside Tommy Robinson at the front of the protest as the throngs behind them chanted “we want our country back”. The banner they marched behind read ‘This is London, not Londonistan’.

Tommy Robinson marches on to Parliament Square
Tommy Robinson marches on to Parliament Square (Hope not Hate)

It came as control orders were imposed on Pro-Palestinian activists Youth Demand who were holding a static counter protest.

A Scotland Yard spokesperson posted on X: “Conditions have been imposed on this group of Youth Demand protesters.

“They’re not to enter the borough of Westminster, not to go onto any bridge over the Thames and not to leave the pavement. This is to prevent the serious disruption they have said they want to achieve.”

(Met Police)

The nationalists gathered at Parliament Square to view Tommy Robinson’s film ‘Lawfare’ a documentary about what he sees as a two-tier policing system. A livestream of the screening and speeches was being watched by nearly 400,000 people on X.

Hard rock songs were played to entertain the crowds with lyrics like “Our children we will defend them to the end”.

In a speech to a sea of Union Jacks, “Far Right” YouTuber Carl Benjamin addressed the controversy of interviewing Liz Truss last week.

He said: “We are guilty of interviewing the former Prime Minister, that was my crime.

“That’s why I’m in trouble. But I stand today as a husband, a father, an Englishman. And I can see today that we are still alive. But by god we wouldn’t know it if we looked at the TV would you? Where is your representation?”

He finished: “We have real problems none of the mainstream parties are going to solve these problems. We have to do it ourselves and we will.

“You have to remember your dignity as an Englishman and woman is on the line. Be worthy of the respect of our glorious, victorious ancestors, they are watching they want us to win. We have to win for our children, there is no stepping backwards or apologies.”

The Met Police said of the screening: “Officers have identified individuals within the crowd who have a history of being involved in violent disorder.

“A number have football banning orders and are associated with hooligan groups from London and across the UK. There is also an element of the crowd previously well known for involvement in anti-lockdown protests during the pandemic and associated disorder.

“While there have not been any offences so far, a number of people in the crowd are intoxicated. The event still has a number of hours left to go.”

(Hope Not Hate)

Nick Lowles, CEO at HOPE not hate said: “Today’s demonstration is set to be the biggest gathering of far-right activists, football hooligans and Tommy Robinson supporters in years.

“There is a strong likelihood of violence as we have unearthed shocking messages from hooligan chat groups where people are threatening to attack people of colour, pro-Palestine demonstrators and even the police.”


More than 2,000 police officers are policing the protests as well as the Champions League Final at Wembley, the force said.

Commander Louise Puddefoot said: “Officers have been in discussion with the organisers of both protests in recent weeks. Our priority is to ensure those exercising their right to lawful protest, both in the main march and as part of the counter protest, can do so safely.

“Officers will police these demonstrations, as they always do, without fear or favour – keeping participants and the wider public safe, and responding decisively to criminal offences and any attempt to cause serious disruption.

“While we are grateful to the main organiser of the protest for comments he has made publicly discouraging violence on Saturday, we do have concerns about the number of those believed to be attending who have links to football disorder.

“When these groups have come together at previous protests we have regrettably seen violence directed at officers. This precedent unavoidably plays a part in shaping the policing approach, including the number and nature of resources allocated to police this particular protest.

“We also understand why the concern goes beyond the potential for officers to be targeted. For some in London, in particular our Muslim communities, comments made by those associated with this event will also cause fear and uncertainty.

“All Londoners have a right to feel and be safe in their city, and we will take a zero tolerance approach to any racially or religiously motivated hate crime we become aware of.”

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