Thursday, September 19, 2024

Travel expert issues Spain advice on safety during anti-tourism protests

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Locals in several Spanish holiday hotspots have been making headlines recently as they take to the streets to protest about over-tourism and the impacts it’s causing.

Demonstrations have been held in the likes of Mallorca, Lanzarote and Tenerife as local people demand something is done about soaring rental costs and house prices, to name a few.

Understandably, you may be worried about a potentially hostile environment waiting for you if you’re going to Spain this year. So, to help people out, one travel expert has issued a word of advice on the situation.

Alison Johnson, owner of Moving to Spain, has commented on whether people have actually have been put off travelling to popular Spanish holiday resorts due to local protests – and if it’s safe for holidaymakers to visit.

“For decades, Spain has been a much-loved destination for Brits wanting to holiday and move abroad. Over recent years, the number of British tourists heading to mainland Spain and its associated islands such as the Canaries and Balearics has increased and in 2023, over 85 million foreign tourists visited the country, which is a record-breaking figure.

“With Spanish tourism booming, it has sparked concern amongst locals who are worried about over-tourism. Over recent weeks, protests have taken place across the likes of Majorca, Lanzarote and Tenerife, with locals demanding that the government take action and rethink the tourism model. In our experience locals don’t want an end to tourism – they want a balance that respects their right to live in the places we love to visit.”

Protesters have been demanding something is done about rising rental and house prices due to an influx of tourists every year (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Alison understands that some Brits may feel anxious heading off to Spain in case of any hostility. However, she stressed that the protest organisers aren’t saying no to tourists themselves but rather to advocate for measures put in place to curb rising property and rental prices as a result of too much tourism.

She added: “We’ve had no hostility or reports of anything but a welcoming attitude to visitors – the protests are directed at government decision-makers.”

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