Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WWE King & Queen Of The Ring Results 5/25 – King & Queen Of The Ring Finals, Undisputed WWE Title Match

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The bell rings and Zayn wastes no time firing off right hands on Gable. Reed then delivers a clothesline to Zayn in the corner, but Gable responds with a few chops on Reed. Reed gets Gable above his head, but Gable escapes. The action spills to the outside, and Zayn flies over the top rope with a crossbody to level Reed. Gable blindsides him from behind, and gets back in the ring with Zayn.


Zayn rains down right hands on Gable in the corner, but Reed clocks him and whips him in the corner. Zayn lands a back elbow on Reed, then looks to fly. Reed catches him and chokeslams him on top of Gable. Zayn lands a back elbow on Gable, but Gable traps Zayn into the ring apron and fires off right hands on him. He ascends to the top and delivers a missile dropkick to Reed.

Zayn dumps both Gable and Reed out of the ring, then flies over the top rope to level them. Zayn and Reed teeter on the top rope, but Reed gets Zayn on his shoulders. Zayn counters into a powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Reed kicks out. Reed sits Zayn on the top rope, but Gable takes him down and looks to land a superplex on Zayn. Reed pulls both men down and ascends to the top, then looks to fly. Zayn rolls out of the ring, and Gable lands a moonsault on Reed.


Zayn lands a series of overhand chops on Reed, then follows it up with a Tornado DDT. He goes for a pin, but Gable breaks the fall by cinching in an Ankle Lock on Zayn. Reed looks to break the hold, but Gable counters into an Ankle Lock on him. Zayn then cinches in an Ankle Lock on Gable, but relinquishes the hold to land a Blue Thunder Bomb on Reed.

Reed gets both Zayn and Gable up on his shoulders, then delivers a Fallaway Slam. Reed then delivers a tope suicida to Gable and Zayn on the outside, then gets Zayn back inside the ring. Zayn sets up for the Helluva Kick on Reed, but Gable intercepts him and lands a pair of German suplexes on Zayn. He looks to land a third one, but Zayn fights his way out with a back elbow and lands two German suplexes of his own on Gable. Reed then looks to deliver a double German suplex to Zayn and Gable, but Gable escapes and lands a double German suplex of his own on Zayn and Reed.

Otis levels Reed on the outside with a clothesline, and Gable dumps Zayn out of the ring. He orders Otis to attack him, but Otis hesitates. Gable then hops out of the ring and holds zayn in place for Otis to attack him, but Otis still can’t bring himself to do so. Gable shoves Otis and gets in his face, then slaps him. He gets Zayn up and holds him in place once again. Otis looks to clothesline Zayn, but Zayn ducks out of the way and clotheslines Gable instead. Back in the ring, Zayn then delivers the Helluva Kick on Reed for the win.


Winner (and still): Sami Zayn

We then see Grayson Waller, Austin Theory, #DIY, and The Street Profits and B-Fab in the crowd as Nia Jax makes her way down to the ring. Lyra Valkyria follows.

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