Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why you should veer left at the airport – travel expert on how to skip queues

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As we approach peak holiday season, a travel expert has sharing his top hacks on how to avoid unnecessary delays this summer. From the secret psychology behind airport queues to harnessing the power of technology, Eurocamp’s travel expert Lewis Martin offers his advice.

He said: “As we begin the run-up to summer holiday excitement, the recent issues with e-gates are an understandable concern amongst eager holidaymakers. While some delays just can’t be avoided, they needn’t dampen spirits too much, as savvy travellers can take steps to outsmart them with simple, and straightforward hacks.

“In the event of delays, passengers should always remember to keep in touch with their holiday providers and check with their travel insurance policies to keep any worries at bay.”

Lewis’s hacks for beating the delays this summer

Embrace your inner ‘airport Dad’

Whilst a travel wallet may not be the most stylish of travel accessories, it may be the simple secret to success.

Be more ‘airport Dad’ and ensure the whole family’s necessary documents (passports, visas, tickets) are easily accessible and in one place, like a handy travel wallet.

This will help to avoid delays at security checkpoints and most importantly, side-step the stress rummaging through your bags so you breeze through the beginning of your holiday.

Keep out of reach of the kids

Kids and travel documents are not a good mix. The smallest amount of damage to the biometric chip or personal information pages on your passport can spell e-gate disaster. So however tempting it might be, it’s always safer to avoid giving your little ones their passports to carry.

’Appy Days

There’s a reason they say ‘there’s an app for that’! Be tech-savvy and utilise apps and technology to your advantage.

Most airlines have their own apps which can give you up-to-date information on your travel. Airports also often have up-to-the-minute details on their websites which can keep you informed about any potential delays.

Download weather apps to keep an eye on the forecast, and find the app or website for local transport network providers if your trip to and from the airport relies on public transport.

Secret Psychology

In the event of lengthy queues in security or e-gate checks, you may be faced with multiple streams of passengers to choose from. However, you can gain a sneaky advantage by harnessing a simple psychological hack.

Studies show that, as the majority of the population are right-handed, most people will veer right when given the choice, meaning that queues on the left often tend to be that little bit quicker. So remember, if in doubt – and in the wise words of Beyonce – ‘to the left, to the left’!

Have a back-up plan

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! Be prepared for any twists and turns in your journey and ensure you have back-up plans in place for every stage of your travel.

This includes having backup options for your transport to the airport whether it’s via public transport or taxi. Checking your usual route to the airport for roadworks the day before is a great way to avoid any surprises.

Early bird catches the worm

It may sound obvious, but ensuring that you arrive in plenty of time at the airport is crucial to combatting the impact of any delays you may encounter.

Whilst for shorter journeys, holidaymakers may allow slightly less time at the airport, we advise that no matter where you’re travelling to, passengers should arrive at least two hours ahead of their flight time.

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