Friday, September 20, 2024

Permanent contacts for permanent jobs proposal

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This bill was announced by the PCP’s parliamentary leader, Paula Santos. The deputy indicated that “in numerous workplaces, whether in the public or private sector, the use of precarious employment persists and, in some circumstances, has been increasing”.

“We cannot accept that jobs and functions that are permanent, that are necessary, have a precarious relationship: it has to be an effective employment contract, providing stability, guaranteeing rights. This is what we propose: a permanent job must correspond to an effective employment contract”, she said.

Paula Santos also announced that the PCP will propose limiting the use of temporary work, noting that the party is aware of numerous situations in which temporary work companies are used to fill permanent roles.

“The solution cannot be the use of temporary employment companies, but it must be through the direct hiring of workers who are necessary to fulfil these same functions”, she defended.

The PCP’s perspective continued Paula Santos, is to “limit the use of hiring temporary work companies and the option is, when there is a need for these functions, to do so by hiring the workers who are necessary, with permanent contracts”.

“These are the objectives of our initiatives: combating precariousness, guaranteeing stability and rights”, she highlighted.

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