Saturday, October 5, 2024

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

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WEEK OF May 20 – 26, 2024

Monday, May 20, is like a last call for a spring fling before you shift gears into spring cleaning—and spring training! The Sun leaves sensual Taurus and your fun-loving fifth house and makes its annual move into Gemini and your sixth house of work, organization, health and self-care. After a month of playfulness, it’s time to get back down to brass tacks and spending less time out galivanting and more time in the gym, kitchen and home office. As an ambitious, hard-working Sea Goat, you actually like being redirected this way. Whatever clutter or disarray has seeped in over the past several weeks (or longer), you can get things back in the orderly fashion you prefer. Which is not to say you’ll be a hermit or give up all worldly pleasures! Tap a friend to be a workout or accountability buddy. Plan some group hikes, potluck dinners and epic nights of dancing. Challenge yourself to cut back on whatever you consider “vices,” from gluten to sugar to alcohol. Even a mini detox may clear brain fog and refill your energy tanks. The sixth house rules work, routines and systems, so work your magic and restore order to the Capricorn court. Once you do, you’ll be able to work (even) smarter (rather than harder), leaving you way more free time for play and romance.

This Thursday marks the year’s only full moon in Sagittarius, which falls in your twelfth house of introspection, release and surrender. If you’ve felt like some habits, limiting beliefs or toxic relationships have too strong a grip on you, these moonbeams will support you in doing some profound healing work over the next two weeks, and even six months. Focus on the one thing that feels most oppressing—yet doable—and set an intention to let that go. Who or what in your life needs to be released for you to feel truly free? You know you can’t change other people or control situations that are out of your hands. It’s never easy, but your resolute sign has the determination to face your challenges with strength and maturity. And with optimistic Venus joining the Sun in Gemini that same day (until June 17), you can turn to friends for all the mortal and emotional support you need.

If your motivation—or momentum—starts to flag, just hang on till Saturday, when good-news Jupiter returns to Gemini for a full year. The expansive and hopeful planet can bring a sense of purpose to all your efforts, making them feel less “dutiful” and more self-empowering! Turn dull-as-dishwater routines into “sacred rituals”; make tasks “challenges.” Jupiter is the traveler of the zodiac, so your work this year may give you enough frequent flyer points to earn priority status with your airline of choice. If you’re on the hunt for fresh work opportunities, follow Jupiter’s lead. Starting your own business might be a tempting possibility for some Caps, but regardless of whether you work for yourself or a company, find ways to pursue your passion and see if you can turn a profit.

Whatever the case, consider your personal needs for freedom: both the day-to-day, vacations and flex time. You might be able to renegotiate the terms of your employment and work remotely at least occasionally. This alone will give you the time to prepare healthy meals and get regular movement into your life. Just one (not too tiny) heads-up: Jovial Jupiter is the god of the feast, and its “warning” is, there really IS such a thing as too much of a good thing. Jupiter in the sixth house can inspire overeating if you aren’t mindful since your appetite for everything is growing. This is a great time to work with a nutrition coach and learn how to cook more delicious vegetarian and whole-food dishes. In addition to cardio and weight training, add in exercises that ground you and put you in a meditative mindset. Pull that yoga mat out of the closet and let the Vinyasa flow.

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