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Baby Reindeer ‘stalker’ bombarded Keir Starmer with hundreds of chilling emails

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THE “real Martha Scott” from Netflix hit Baby Reindeer bombarded Sir Keir Starmer with hundreds of emails, including taunts about his “ugly” wife.

Fiona Harvey told the Labour leader he was in a “non-job ”, was a “stupid little boy” and a “useless barrister”.


Fiona Harvey bombarded Sir Keir Starmer with HUNDREDS of emailsCredit: Piers Morgan Uncensored
She told him his "life would not be worth living" in one email


She told him his “life would not be worth living” in one emailCredit: Piers Morgan Uncensored
She called the Labour leader a "stupid little boy" and a “useless barrister"


She called the Labour leader a “stupid little boy” and a “useless barrister”Credit: Alamy
Her mails were sent to Sir Keir between January and August 2020


Her mails were sent to Sir Keir between January and August 2020Credit: PA
The show about comic Richard Gadd’s character Donny being stalked by a Scottish lady called Martha Scott


The show about comic Richard Gadd’s character Donny being stalked by a Scottish lady called Martha Scott
All were signed off “Sent from my iPhone” — echoing Martha


All were signed off “Sent from my iPhone” — echoing Martha

She warned Sir Keir she would target him with complaints to standards watchdogs, telling him: “Your life won’t be worth living.”

The Scottish Sun has seen 276 emails sent over eight months by Harvey to his MP email address.

Like those seen in the show, all are in a trademark style, littered with punctuations and spelling mistakes, with few full stops and a line space between each sentence.

All were signed off “Sent from my iPhone” — echoing Martha, who it turns out in the show doesn’t have an iPhone.

It’s understood the Met Police have been made aware of Harvey’s messages but were unable to provide further details.

The show about comic Richard Gadd’s character Donny being stalked by a Scottish lady called Martha Scott led web sleuths to identify Harvey as the inspiration.

Harvey, 58, hails from Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, but has lived in London for years. She has denied stalking and has said she will sue after episodes began with a message saying “this is a true story”.

Her mails were sent to Sir Keir between January and August 2020.
Many include vicious attacks on Labour and gripes about Harvey’s battles with Camden council over her flat block and local area.

Most read in The Scottish Sun

Sir Keir is MP for Holborn and St Pancras, next door to Kilburn where Harvey lived in 2020.

In one mail, on May 20, 2020, she used a disabled slur against his wife Victoria then said: “God she looks dreadful. Dreadful.”

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On the same day, Harvey emailed Sir Keir and others with an attack on deceased loved ones.

And in a note leaving gaps between letters, she attached photos of rubbish and wrote: “It’s as filthy a s stArmers house.” Another said:

“Keirs mates and voters still dumping hazardous rubbish.”

On May 18, 2020, she forwarded Sir Keir a message from a councillor who said he could not give her addresses she’d apparently sought, “for data protection reasons”.

‘Your life won’t be worth living’

Threatening to make Sir Keir’s life “not worth living”, Harvey seemed to suggest he had made claims about her to England’s Housing Ombudsman.

The email of April 9, 2020, said: “Keir cut the crap with me you stupid little boy.

“You get elected leader of. Non party and within two minutes I get an email calling me a racist from the housing ombudsman I’ve already complained about you to the standards commissioner who guess what also does nothing.

“See from now on il l complain about the slightest little thing Your life won’t be worth living.”

She told the Labour leader she would make his life "not worth living"


She told the Labour leader she would make his life “not worth living”
Baby Reindeer has been viewed over 65m times


Baby Reindeer has been viewed over 65m timesCredit: Netflix
Ms Harvey is at the centre of claims she is the inspiration for the crazed character of Martha Scott


Ms Harvey is at the centre of claims she is the inspiration for the crazed character of Martha ScottCredit: Netflix
In one mail she used a disabled slur against Starmer's wife Victoria then said: “God she looks dreadful. Dreadful.”


In one mail she used a disabled slur against Starmer’s wife Victoria then said: “God she looks dreadful. Dreadful.”Credit: Alamy

Many emails had Sir Keir’s name first in the ‘To’ field, often followed by Camden council officials or councillors. Many made reference to Sir Keir directly. Some copied in her MP, Labour’s Tulip Siddiq, who was also abused.

In some, Harvey, who studied law, makes disparaging references to Sir Keir’s former Doughty Street Chambers, which he co-founded in 1990. She also ranted repeatedly about the state of the Labour Party and goings-on in Scottish Labour.

“See from now on il l complain about the slightest little thing Your life won’t be worth living.”

Fiona Harvey email to Keir Starmer

On April 8, 2020, in a 1,420-word email to Starmer — copied to a list of others — Harvey said Labour’s shadow cabinet was “full if imbeciles yes men”.

She suggested a deal had been done where unions backed Starmer for leader “and in return you get that imbecile Angela rayner as depute”.

The email added: “If you asked good scottish shrinks to examine starmer and his henchmen they would find none of them sane.”

‘We just run the country behind the scenes’

The emails came during the first Covid lockdown and a period where Sir Keir had stood for the Labour leadership.

An email of March 27, 2020 — sent to Sir Keir and with SNP MP Pete Wishart copied in — made homophobic references about Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

On April 4, 2020 — the day Sir Keir became Labour leader — she congratulated him on his “fourth of fifth non job”.

The email added: “You have ignored me” and called him a “free loader on the public purse”. It ended: “Ignore typos I’m A professional Senior scottish professionals do not type

“We just run the country behind the scenes”

MP demands Netflix chief backs up ‘misleading’ Baby Reindeer claims

A SNP MP has demanded streaming giant Netflix back-up its “misleading

John Nicolson said he will write to the media giant to back up the claims it made at a parliamentary committee.

Netflix executive Benjamin King gave evidence at Westminster‘s Culture, Media and Sport Committee last week.

He told them its “obviously a true story of the horrific abuse that the writer and protagonist Richard Gadd suffered at the hands of a convicted stalker”.

However, the Nationalist politician claimed that the evidence given by Netflix may have been inaccurate.

He told the BBC: ” I will be writing to Netflix to ask them to substantiate the claim they made.

“It’s clear that the evidence given by Netflix to the select committee is disputed”.

He added that “the charge made – of a conviction – is very important. Journalists can find no evidence to back up the Netflix claim”.

On April 6, 2020 — the day after then-PM Boris Johnson went to hospital with Covid — Harvey emailed Sir Keir claiming she knew Stanley Johnson, Boris’s dad.

She wrote: “Keir your grotty wee c***s if animal supporters need to wind their F*****g necks in slagging off boris on twitter.”

Harvey also tore into Boris on May 10, 2020, when his 7pm TV speech announced plans to re-open society. She wrote: “Boris will make a tit of himself in telly at seven My chicken dinner ready bang on seven He’s not cut out for public office at all He’s an eton tt”

In an interview with Piers Morgan this month, Harvey admitted having four phones and six email addresses, but denied ever hounding Mr Gadd, the show’s creator.

Netflix has emphasised all messages were identical to texts and emails received by creator Mr Gadd as part of its true-to-life promise.

Read more on the Scottish Sun

Labour declined to comment. Harvey was unavailable for comment.

l CALLS to the National Stalking Helpline were 26 per cent up in April compared to March, the month of Baby Reindeer’s release.

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