Thursday, September 19, 2024

Barry Ferguson says Rangers players must feed off pain of Celtic title triumph

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There was no shortage of options to feed my football fix on Wednesday night but the TV was only set for one game – Celtic at Kilmarnock. No matter how painful, how torturous I knew it was going to be.

And believe me the last day has been excruciating for everyone connected to Rangers after Celtic secured the title. But you know what? I made myself sit through it all. I took in every minute of the game AND the celebrations.

With a clenched jaw and furrowed brow I sat and watched the Celtic players dancing, singing and celebrating with their fans – and refused to turn off. Why? Because this has to be the driving force now. If I was still pulling on a Rangers top then those scenes would be the motivation for me to do everything in my power to stop Celtic at the next possible opportunity.

And that just so happens to be the Scottish Cup Final in eight days’ time. Brilliant. What a chance to have the last say on the season and be the ultimate party poopers. Okay it’s not the big one that everyone wanted, the league title. But I’ll tell you what – the Scottish Cup is a huge honour and the last Old Firm Final back in 2002 is probably the best game I have ever been involved in.

People dub it the Lovenkrands Final because Peter scored the last minute winner… but I prefer to remember it for my exquisite free kick! Seriously though, what an occasion, what a game and what a win. Both teams had fantastic players but our Rangers side.. wow. The characters in that team were huge.

From Stefan Klos in goals right through the side it was dripping with winners. Players you knew when you were in the trenches they would join you and when it came to the nitty gritty they would come through for you. Back in the here and now there are questions being asked whether this Rangers squad has enough characters.

What do I think? I will tell you after 5pm next Saturday. People asking if there’s a mentality problem in the dressing room at Ibrox would hurt me deeply if I was still involved. The great thing about football is there’s always another opportunity to answer the critics. Rangers will have half of Hampden behind them for the showpiece finale of the Scottish season. There will be millions more watching on TV across the world.

What a time to answer the critics. To shut people up. Listen, Wednesday night was the best I’ve seen Celtic. The way they moved the ball, how quickly they got about the pitch and the way they took their chances.

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