Friday, September 20, 2024

Sam And Max: The Devil’s Playhouse – Episode 1: The Penal Zone Walkthrough

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The third game in the trilogy, Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse begins with, if not a bang, then surely a very confusing scene. The titular duo of freelance police officers are captured on an intergalactic ship, Stinky seems complicit, and a fearsome evil gorilla is calling the shots.


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Let’s go Full Throttle – it’s time to Hit the Road.

Naturally, the first episode deals with this evil ape and a mysterious power that Max has inadvertently picked up. Well, not just one power, but multiple; powers that must be used to solve the puzzles set in front of you. If you’re struggling with any of the conundrums placed in front of you, we have you covered.

How To Deal With General Skun-ka’pe

This first chapter will serve mostly as an introduction to the game and as a tutorial to the game’s mechanics.

  1. Click the badge to switch to Max and use his Teleportation ability to get out of the jail cell using Stinky’s Cell.
  2. Follow the instructions and take out theHoming Beacon and attempt to use it on General Skunka’pe.
  3. Steal the Rhinoplasty from the nearby display case as instructed, and then use it as Max on the picture of a potted plant – you’ll have to pan the camera around to find it. Turn into the Potted Plant.
  4. Put theHoming Beacon on General Skunka’pe and then activate the Remote Control in Sam’s inventory.
  5. Walk over to Harry Moleman at the back of the ship and then collect the playing cards from the display case to the right of his holding cell.
  6. Use Max’s mind reading on Harry Moleman to learn his phone number, then use this phone number with Max’s teleportation ability.
  7. After teleporting, using Max’s Rhinoplasty on the Weapons Display that shows a gun, and then transform into the Space Bazooka.
  8. As Sam, pick up Bazooka Max.

After the introduction that follows, you’ll be on the street in front of Sam and Max’s office. Speak to Skun-ka’pe and Superball to learn more about the reasons they’re here, and then enter the giant spaceship.

Inside, you’ll find the brain who gave you orders in the prologue, but in an unconscious state. Use Max’s Future Vision power on the brain, and then on Sam to find out what you need:

  • Stinky’s Demon Broth
  • Momma Bosco’s Power Core

Before you leave, make sure you check out the Moleman Vacation sign and then press the Personal Effects Button to acquire the Hard Hat and Off-World Vacation Ticket.

How To Get The Demon Broth And The Power Core

To begin, leave the spaceship and enter Stinky’s Diner, which you’ll find to the right.

  1. Talk toGrandpa Stinky inside the diner, and Stinky too if you feel like it. Specifically, you need to talk toGrandpa Stinky about the Demon Broth.
  2. Use Max’s Future Vision on Grandpa Stinky and the radio on the counter.
  3. Leave the diner and head to the left side of the street to find Sam and Max’s car, the Desoto – examine it to meet the COPS, pick up the Jumper Cables, and then click on the steering wheel to head to Bosco-Tech Labs.
  4. Enter Bosco-Tech Labs and speak to Momma Bosco on the lower level about her Power Core. Keep talking about it until you learn that she’s hired a private detective to find it.
  5. While you’re here, offer Harry Moleman the Off-World Vacation Ticket to acquire his Lottery Ticket.

  1. Leave Bosco-Tech and return to Straight & Narrow with the Desoto.
  2. Use Max’s Future Vision on Flint Paper in Stinky’s Diner and then give him the Hard Hat you found earlier.
  3. Talk to Flint about the Power Core and his Big Case after the short cutscene.
  4. While at the diner, give the Lottery Ticket to Grandpa Stinky and then pick up the Demon Broth he puts on the counter.
  5. Leave the diner and head back to the Desoto. Use the phone in the car to call Stinky’s cell phone. Tell Stinky to ‘meet‘ with the person she thinks she’s talking to.
  6. Return to the diner and head behind the counter. Push the Secret Button here and enter the secret passage it reveals. Here, you can search through the pile of junk for the Power Core.

Now that you have both the Demon Broth and the Power Core, you can return to the brain in the spaceship. Use both items with the Alien Brain and use the Jumper Cables to hook them up together.

Speaking with Agent Superball in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

After the scenes, head to the lower deck and speak to Superball about all his dialogue options before picking up the toy telephone from the display case on the right. This will unlock Teleportation, which you used in the prologue.

Your first clue as to where to go next relates to Momma Bosco, so use Max’s Teleportation ability to head straight to Bosco-Tech Labs.

Unfortunately, you’re thrown out immediately, with Max kept inside.

How To Deal With The Guards

  1. To get Max back, simply switch to him using the badge and use the Teleportation ability.
  2. Climb the fire escape on the left of Bosco-Tech.
  3. Use the flag banner and harass the gleaming pigeon. This will make it drop the shiny item.
  4. Head back to the street and pick up the shiny thing – it’s an Engagement Ring.
  5. With Sam and Max together, use Max’s Teleportation ability to travel to Stinky’s cell. Pick it up.
  6. Use the Teleporation ability to head back into Bosco-Tech. Max will be captured again.
  7. Head back up the fire escape and onto the flag banner. Move along to the end of the banner and then use Max’s Teleportation ability to teleport himself and the guard holding him to Stinky’s cell, which is currently in Sam’s pocket.

Acquiring the Remote Control in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

You can now head back down to the street and enter Bosco-Tech safely. Inside, talk to Momma Bosco about everything. Pick up the Remote Control on the machine underneath Momma Bosco.

All we need now is something attuned to the dimension we want to send Skun-ka’pe to, and that would be the Homing Beacon.

How To Get The Homing Beacon

First, use Teleportation to return to Stinky’s Diner and talk to Grandpa Stinky – he has the Homing Beacon.

  1. Tell Grandpa Stinky that you love General Skun-ka’pe to see what happens – you’re able to leave the conversation with him touching Max. We’ll use this.
  2. Leave the diner and return to the spaceship nearby. On the upper deck, enter the Mole Man Processing facility.
  3. Escape the facility after the cutscene using the Teleportation ability, and head to Stinky’s Diner again.
  4. Talk to Grandpa Stinky and say that you love General Skun-ka’pe again.
  5. While Max is fighting with Grandpa Stinky, leave the conversation and use his Teleportation ability to head to Stinky’s Cell, which is still on the spaceship. This will allow you to pick up the Homing Beacon from the Personal Effects bin.

This sequence will also reveal your next objective: to find the Meesta Pizza that Skun-ka’pe went to.

How To Find The Meesta Pizza

Meesta Pizza shop in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

  1. Leave the spaceship and head to your Desoto. Alternatively, just teleport to it using the COPS number.
  2. Check out the Desoto and try to place the Scanner that you found alongside the Power Core earlier inside the car.
  3. Interact with the new ‘Crime-Tron‘ to get a tutorial, if you need it.
  4. Place the Meesta Pizza Shot Glass in one item slot, and Stinky’s Cell Phone in the other. This will reveal the Meesta Pizza location, which you can travel to now.

The next few puzzles involve finding items that you can use with the Crime-Tron to be able to track General Skun-ka’pe’s location.

How To Track Skun-ka’pe

Bob's Toys shop in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

We begin this search at the Meesta Pizza.

  1. Use Future Vision on Sam to find yourselves on the roof.
  2. Use Stinky’s Cell Phone on the pizza boxes in the alleyway on the right.
  3. Teleport up to the roof using Stinky’s Cell phone as the destination.
  4. After the scene, head back to the Desoto.
  5. The two items you need to use with the Crime-Tron are the Old Postcard and the Engagement Ring.
  6. Travel to the Pawn Shop.
  7. Use Future Vision on the trash cans in the street to learn of a banana peel.
  8. Pick up the Banana Peel from the trash cans.
  9. Vandalise the manhole in the middle of the street and then use the Banana Peel with the manhole cover.
  10. Enter the Pawn Shop to acquire the Paddle Ball Toy.
  11. At the Desoto, use the Paddle Ball Toy and the Receipt in the Crime-Tron.
  12. Travel to the Toy Store and use Future Vision on Sam.

This will lead you right to General Skun-ka’pe… for better or for worse.

After the scenes, you’ll find yourself back on Skun-ka’pe’s spaceship in a very familiar position, but with one key difference – Stinky is also locked up.

Talk to Stinky until you can tell her that “Skunkape’s not so bad“, which will get her freed from the cell. Then, use Teleportation with Stinky’s Cell to get out of jail yourself. This will, unfortunately, end with you being placed in the Penal Zone.

Escape the Penal Zone by using Max’s Teleportation power – no matter where you choose, you’ll end up at Bosco-Tech Labs. Speak to Momma Bosco and Superball about everything, and you can begin the final stretch of this episode.

First thing’s first,
make sure you pick up the Rift Generator
– it’s crucial to the plan, after all.

How To Place The Homing Beacon On General Skun-ka’pe

The alien brain with some issues in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

This task is quite easy.

  1. Teleport to the spaceship via Stinky’s Cell.
  2. Talk to the brain about Skun-ka’pe.
  3. After getting control again, simply place the Homing Beacon on Skun-ka’pe’s back.

With this done, it’s time to work on the Rift Generator.

How To Use The Rift Generator To Create A New Penal Zone

  1. Firstly, head back to your street by teleporting to Sybil’s.
  2. Walk towards the office building to gain Skun-ka’pe’s attention. He’ll start firing at you. He’ll lock on to you, creating a circle on the ground that begins green and turns red before firing.
  3. Head to the left side of the area, towards the large crack in the ground. Bait Skun-ka’pe to fire at this to create a hole in the ground Sybil’s boxes fall into.
  4. Teleport to Sybil’s phoneagain to escape.
  5. Enter the mysterious hole to meet the cultist mole men. Talk to them about every option.
  6. Head towards the back of the cave – to the left of the boiler, you’ll find a power outlet. Connect the Rift Generator to the outlet.
  7. Pick up the Power Cable to the leftof the cultists and plug it into the Toybox.
  8. Turn on the Rift Generator.

This will all go to plan, until it doesn’t.

How To Beat Skun-ka’pe

Skunkape during the final confrontation in Sam and Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1.

This is the final puzzle to contend with in Episode 1!

  1. Use the Boiler Controls to turn the heat up and make the mole men sweat.
  2. Use the Paddle Ball Toy on Skun-ka’pe.


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