Thursday, September 19, 2024

Starmer says Labour finding ‘more mess’ from Tories every day as he launches Great British Energy plan – as it happened

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Keir Starmer says ‘every day’ he is finding ‘more mess’ that the Tories left behind

Keir Starmer said the “hard graft of rebuilding this country has truly started” as he accused the previous government of leaving a “rot of shortsightedness and self-service” for Labour to clear up.

Giving a speech in Runcorn, Cheshire, the prime minister said “every day” his administration is finding “more mess” that the Tories left behind.

“The hard graft of rebuilding this country has well and truly started, and it is vital that we begin immediately because the last government dropped the ball,” he said.

He added:

They left us the worst inheritance since the second world war, and every day – every day – we’re finding more mess that they’ve left for us to clear up.

The rot of shortsightedness and self-service that has weakened the foundations of our country.”

Key events

A summary of today’s developments

This blog will be closing shortly. Thank you for reading it, emailing in and commenting below the line. You can keep up to date with the Guardian’s UK politics reporting here.

Here is a summary of today’s key developments:

  • Keir Starmer has pledged to take on Labour MPs and councils that try to block pylon networks delivering a planned new generation of clean electricity, as he promised the government’s plans would lower people’s bills in this parliament. Formally launching GB Energy, the state-run green energy generation company, one of his flagship policies, the prime minister said there was a need to move rapidly on new onshore and offshore wind because of what he called the last government’s inaction and short-termism.

  • Speaking on Thursday at a wind turbine factory on the edge of Widnes, Cheshire, Starmer set out the plan to build enough offshore wind over the next five years to power 20m homes, part of a tie-up with the crown estate. In his speech, Starmer said he stands by the figure from Labour’s manifesto suggesting that the party’s net zero energy plans would bring down household bills by £300 a year.

  • Starmer said the “hard graft of rebuilding this country has truly started” as he accused the previous government of leaving a “rot of shortsightedness and self-service” for Labour to clear up. Giving a speech on Thursday, the prime minister said “every day” his administration is finding “more mess” that the Tories left behind.

  • Energy secretary Ed Miliband has said “it’s going to take time” for GB Energy to start making money. Legislation to establish the state-owned energy company needs to go through the House of Commons, and the government has set aside £8.3bn to invest in new windfarms and solar projects, which must get built before GB Energy can start generating a return, he told BBC Breakfast.“Within the lifetime of this parliament it will start generating returns,” he said. Miliband also pledged that Britain will “never again” face an energy bills crisis as he tries to wean the country off fossil fuels.

  • Robert Jenrick will run for the Conservative party leadership. Jenrick will become the third Tory MP to formally declare their candidacy, after James Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat previously announced their bids.

  • Further emergency measures could be introduced to respond to the prison capacity “crisis”, the justice secretary said as MPs approved moves to release thousands of prisoners early. Shabana Mahmood told MPs that the prison population remains “within a few hundred places of collapse” and the government will continue to monitor it closely in the coming weeks.

  • The justice secretary’s remarks came as the House of Commons backed legislation to reduce the amount of time prisoners must spend in jail before they are automatically released, from 50% of their sentence to 40%. The move – which does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences – is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October.

  • Rishi Sunak’s Downing Street team rejected advice a year ago that they should consider the early release of prisoners who had served less than half of their sentences to relieve prison overcrowding, the Guardian has been told by multiple sources. Discussions took place inside No 10 in June 2023 over the proposals, a version of which was adopted two weeks ago by Keir Starmer’s government.

  • A £5bn debt crisis caused by out-of-control overspending on special educational needs could explode in less than two years, bankrupting scores of England’s local authorities, the UK government has been warned. The crisis stems from the failure to properly fund a huge increase in demand for Special Education Needs and Disability (Send) services over the past decade, triggering an “existential” crisis for councils which have “no obvious means of paying off the debt”.

  • Conservative leadership candidate Tom Tugendhat has denied that his suggestion that he would be prepared to leave the European convention on human rights (ECHR) is political opportunism. “No, I’ve been very, very clear I am prepared to make any decision that will keep the British people safe,” he told GB News when questioned about his change of tone on the issue.

  • The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, is meeting the Greater Manchester mayor, Andy Burnham, to discuss a video appearing to show a police officer kicking a prone man, said the prime minister. Keir Starmer said he understands the “concern” over the footage.

  • The new first minister of Wales won’t be installed for almost two weeks. Eluned Morgan, the current health secretary in Wales, was confirmed as Welsh Labour leader on Wednesday. Vaughan Gething, who announced his resignation as Welsh Labour leader after the donations scandal, has now said he had written to the llywydd (the presiding officer) to recall the Senedd, the Welsh parliament on 6 August.

  • Nigel Farage has been handed a bill for more than £8,000 that a former Reform UK candidate says he is owed for running a general election campaign in Clacton before he was elbowed aside when the party leader chose to stand. Tony Mack, who was to be the party’s candidate in the Essex constituency until June, said Farage had assured him in a telephone call that the party would “pay back every fucking penny” and made a series of other commitments.

  • Labour will be pushed to act on abolishing the “indefensible” two-child benefit limit, the former shadow chancellor John McDonnell has claimed, after Keir Starmer suspended him and six others for the first rebellion of the new government.

  • Labour’s Ian Lavery has claimed that MPs who have time for a second job are not doing their job as an elected representative properly. Speaking in the Commons, he said that “being an MP is not a hobby” before adding: “This is like a full-time job plus, and if it’s not a full-time job plus, I’m afraid my view is: you’re not doing your job.”

  • Labour has delayed proposals to tackle spurious lawsuits brought by oligarchs and others aimed at intimidating journalists, academics and campaigners. Frederick Ponsonby, a Labour justice minister in the House of Lords, said he could not commit to bringing forward standalone legislation on strategic lawsuits against public participation, known as Slapps, or set out a timetable for tackling the issue.

  • Commons leader Lucy Powell said she “won’t be taking” advice from shadow leader Chris Philp, as the Tories had “left the country in a worse state than even our worst fears”. Earlier on Thursday in the House of Commons, Philp said the government suffered a “significant backbench rebellion” on the two-child benefit cap and their majority would be “gone by Easter”.

  • Government legislation designed to help nationalise the UK’s railways will be fast-tracked through the House of Commons. Lucy Powell said the passenger railway services public ownership bill will undergo its committee stage and remaining stages on 3 September. The Great British Energy bill will receive its second reading on 5 September, Ms Powell said in the weekly business statement.

  • “The days of government ministers waging culture wars against civil servants are over,” chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, Pat McFadden, has said. Responding on Thursday to a question on civil service pay awards, he said: “Yesterday I met the civil service unions together with my colleague, the new minister [Georgia Gould]. We had a very positive discussion covering a whole range of issues.”

  • Fewer borrowers are likely to default on their loans and mortgages, Lloyds has said, as the banking group upped its forecasts for the UK economy. In fresh estimates released as part of its second-quarter results, Lloyds said it expected the economy to grow 0.8% in 2024 – double the rate of growth forecasted in April, when it predicted a 0.4% rise.

Labour’s Ian Lavery has claimed that MPs who have time for a second job are not doing their job as an elected representative properly.

Speaking in the Commons, he said that “being an MP is not a hobby” before adding:

This is like a full-time job plus, and if it’s not a full-time job plus, I’m afraid my view is: you’re not doing your job. If you’re elected as a member of parliament, with 70,000-odd constituents, then that’s a full-time job.

I cannot for the life of me understand how other people have had and have been able to take up other jobs, other occupations, and see this as basically something that tops up their massive salary elsewhere, that’s what’s happened, and it continues to happen.”

Lavery, the MP for Blyth and Ashington, said he was called a “liar” during the election campaign but that he believes most MPs are “genuinely decent people” who are “there to make life better”.

He went on to say:

That’s the perception of the general public, that MPs are greedy, they’re liars, are all the same, they want to make as much money as they can and not bothered about the people they represent, and that’s what I think we’ve got to try and clean up.”

Lavery also said that MPs make “an absolute fortune” while their constituents are on benefits and using food banks.

Speaking in the Commons, Lavery said:

I never thought in a million years when I was working at the pit that I would be on a salary of £91,346, it’s a fortune you know, it’s an absolute fortune, and you’ve got to work for it, you’ve got to work for your constituents.

That £91,346, when you look at the average UK salary, which is £35,828, in the north-east where I live it’s under £30,000 – we’re paid fortunes, man, we’re nearly millionaires, I know that’s not true, however I make a point.”

Lavery added:

Sky News reported that MPs earned £17m from second incomes last year, that’s a lot of money, mind, a lot of money when a lot of people who we represent are actually using food banks, are actually claiming benefits in work, and they’re suffering greatly as a consequence of the cost-of-living crisis caused by 14 years of disruption of the Conservative government.”

Nigel Farage has been handed a bill for more than £8,000 that a former Reform UK candidate says he is owed for running a general election campaign in Clacton before he was elbowed aside when the party leader chose to stand.

Tony Mack, who was to be the party’s candidate in the Essex constituency until June, said Farage had assured him in a telephone call that the party would “pay back every fucking penny” and made a series of other commitments.

The psychotherapist and charity worker – who alleges he was frozen out by Reform UK and that Farage went back on a deal that they shook on – says he is speaking out because he believes the MP cannot be trusted. He accused an “aggressive element” among some of those who supported Reform UK of creating a “fascistic” atmosphere in the constituency.

In a letter to Farage this week, he says that he is owed a bill for £8,500 that also includes a website ( that Mack set up and which was then used by Farage for his campaign.

“I fear for the future of Reform unless it is democratised,” he said, in reference to the unusual structure of the party, which is registered as a company that is ultimately controlled by Farage rather than members.

“I also fear for the future of a movement like that when it is led by a man who cannot keep his promises. Where does that leave his constituents, or supporters who have invested their faith in Reform to deliver the kind of change that is needed.”

You can read the full story here:

Sunak rejected advice to release prisoners early while PM

Rajeev Syal

Rishi Sunak’s Downing Street team rejected advice a year ago that they should consider the early release of prisoners who had served less than half of their sentences to relieve prison overcrowding, the Guardian has been told by multiple sources.

Discussions took place inside No 10 in June 2023 over the proposals, a version of which was adopted two weeks ago by Keir Starmer’s government.

In July 2023, No 10 was asked again, this time in writing, by Ministry of Justice officials to formally consider the move, sources said. However, it was rejected because of concerns from Sunak’s aides that it would be rejected by Tory backbenchers.

The disclosure indicates that Sunak and his team were aware of the controversial proposals at least eight months earlier than previously thought.

It comes as government figures released on Monday show that self-harm rates have soared in English and Welsh prisons to 73,804 incidents in the 12 months to the end of March 2024, at a rate of one every seven minutes.

Over the same period, prisons recorded 28,292 assaults – a 19% rise on the figures for the previous 12 months.

The Guardian has previously disclosed that Sunak was advised in May to vary the minimum sentencing period, a week before the election, or face “a critical failure” of the criminal justice system.

A source close to the proceedings said: “Officials were adamant that standard determinate sentences were the best way to ease pressure on the system, but Sunak’s advisers overruled it again and again.”

You can read the full story here:


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Shadow crime minister Matt Vickers said he recognised the “challenges and significant pressure” facing prisons and the criminal justice system, but defended his party’s response when in government.

Speaking as the House of Commons backed legislation to reduce the amount of time prisoners must spend in jail before they are automatically released, the Conservative frontbencher said:

Why does this statutory instrument not contain a sunset clause?

I realise she [Shabana Mahmood] touched on this, but surely given the significance of these powers it’s reasonable to sunset such a measure, with the lord chancellor always able to return to the house subsequently to seek the house’s agreement to renew if needed rather than giving her a blank cheque.”

Conservative former minister John Hayes questioned the government about the idea of pop-up prisons, similar to temporary NHS hospitals introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said:

Now, I accept that the previous government should have done more, but this government should look at urgent prison building.

We were able to build Nightingale hospitals at a stroke. Why can’t we have Fry prisons built as a temporary measure at least in order to accommodate many of the people who will otherwise commit further crimes?”

For the Liberal Democrats, Wendy Chamberlain said the party recognised the legislation was “probably the only step” that the government can take to respond to the situation.


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Further emergency measures could be introduced to respond to prison capacity ‘crisis’, says justice secretary

Further emergency measures could be introduced to respond to the prison capacity “crisis”, the justice secretary said as MPs approved moves to release thousands of prisoners early.

The PA news agency reports that Shabana Mahmood told MPs that the prison population remains “within a few hundred places of collapse” and the government will continue to monitor it closely in the coming weeks.

Mahmood said Operation Safeguard, in which police cells are used to house offenders, and Operation Early Dawn, which seeks to manage the flow of prisoners from police cells to the courts, are among the options available to her if required.

Her remarks came as the House of Commons backed legislation to reduce the amount of time prisoners must spend in jail before they are automatically released, from 50% of their sentence to 40%.

The move – which does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences – is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October.

They will serve the rest of their sentence under “strict” licensing conditions in the community, MPs heard.

For the opposition, shadow crime minister Matt Vickers raised concerns over the lack of a cut-off date for the legislation and labelled it a “blank cheque”.

Speaking in the Commons, Mahmood said:

The crisis in our prisons is not over. The prison population remains within a few hundred places of collapse. Last week we temporarily closed HMP Dartmoor, taking around 200 places out of the prison estate.

While we’re able to withstand that loss of capacity, any further changes – be that a further loss of supply or an unexpected increase in demand – could tip us into crisis. The measures I have set out will take effect in September, giving probation officers the precious time they need to prepare.

During this time we will continue to monitor the prison population closely and we will be ready to introduce further emergency measures, like Operation Early Dawn or Operation Safeguard, if required.

We are not yet out of the woods.”

Mahmood earlier said the legislation was not introducing a permanent change on early release. She said:

We will review this measure within 18 months of implementation, at the very latest in March 2026.

At this point we believe the situation in our prisons will have stabilised and we will be able to reverse this measure, returning to the automatic point of release to 50% of a sentence.”

She added:

Given the scale of the crisis we have inherited, placing an artificial time limit on this measure would be nothing more than an irresponsible gimmick. We have taken the very deliberate decision not to reverse this measure until we are certain that prison capacity has stabilised.”

Mahmood also accused the previous Conservative government of running the prison estate to “within days of disaster”, saying:

They even came close to triggering Operation Brinker, which is effectively a one in, one out measure into our prisons and it is the very last desperate act available to forestall by a matter of days the total collapse of law and order in this country.”


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Here are some images from today via the newswires:

Prime minister Keir Starmer (R) shakes hands with the climate change and net zero secretary, Ed Miliband, before delivering a speech during a visit to Widnes on Thursday. Photograph: James Glossop/AFP/Getty Images
Keir Starmer speaks to staff during a visit to Hutchinson Engineering in Widnes, Cheshire. Photograph: James Glossop/AFP/Getty Images
Keir Starmer delivers a speech on clean energy during a visit to Hutchinson Engineering in Widnes. Photograph: James Glossop/AP

Starmer will take on Labour councils that block pylons delivering clean electricity

Peter Walker

Peter Walker

Keir Starmer has pledged to take on Labour MPs and councils that try to block pylon networks delivering a planned new generation of clean electricity, as he promised the government’s plans would lower people’s bills in this parliament.

Formally launching GB Energy, the state-run green energy generation company, one of his flagship policies, the prime minister said there was a need to move rapidly on new onshore and offshore wind because of what he called the last government’s inaction and short-termism.

Speaking at a wind turbine factory on the edge of Widnes, Cheshire, Starmer set out the plan to build enough offshore wind over the next five years to power 20m homes, part of a tie-up with the crown estate.

Answering media questions after his speech, watched by Juergen Maier, the former Siemens UK boss who has been announced as the chair of GB Energy, Starmer was asked if he could guarantee ministers would push for power to be distributed using overground lines, rather than underground or undersea cables, which are much more expensive and take considerably longer to build.

There are already planning battles against overground lines in places including East Anglia and Lincolnshire, with some Labour candidates at the general election saying they opposed pylon schemes.

“We will take the tough decisions to make this work,” Starmer replied. “Because it’s the failure to take the tough decisions, the running away from tough decisions, that has caused over a decade of lost opportunity.

You can read the full piece here:

House of Commons backed legislation to reduce time prisoners must spend in jail before automatic release

MPs voted 323 to 81, majority 242, in favour of approving legislation designed to allow thousands of prisoners to be released earlier than planned.

Justice secretary Shabana Mahmood told MPs that the prison population remains “within a few hundred places of collapse” and the government will continue to monitor it closely in the coming weeks.

The legislation reduces the amount of time prisoners must spend in jail before they are automatically released from half of their sentence to 40%.

The move, which does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences, is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October, reports the PA news agency.


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Kalyeena Makortoff

Kalyeena Makortoff

Fewer borrowers are likely to default on their loans and mortgages, Lloyds has said, as the banking group upped its forecasts for the UK economy.

In fresh estimates released as part of its second-quarter results, Lloyds said it expected the economy to grow 0.8% in 2024 – double the rate of growth forecasted in April, when it predicted a 0.4% rise.

Improving economic conditions are good news for Lloyds customers, who the bank says are less likely to fall behind on costly loan and mortgage payments.

Lloyds, which is the UK’s largest mortgage lender and owns the Halifax brand, set aside just £44m for bad debts and defaults in the second quarter. That is down 89% from the £419m put aside during the same period last year when there were serious concerns over whether mortgage borrowers, already squeezed by the cost of living crisis, could afford higher interest rates.

“We’ve seen both across individuals and small businesses, positive economic developments,” the chief executive, Charlie Nunn, said on Thursday. “There is a real resilience we’re seeing in the first half [of the year] and it’s linked to now three-quarters … of real wage growth. Many businesses’ cashflows are also strengthening.”

The smaller provision for defaults helped offset a 9% drop in Lloyds’ net interest income, which is an important measure of profitability, and accounts for the difference between what a bank makes on loan charges versus what is paid out to savers.

You can read the full story here:

Reacting to the government’s Greath British Energy announcement, Isabella O’Dowd, head of climate policy at WWF, said:

This is a really exciting moment for the UK. Accelerating the rollout of clean, cost-effective energy is a triple-win, giving us lower bills and higher growth while cutting our carbon emissions.

Addressing the climate crisis is vital for safeguarding nature but the UK government must also prioritse restoring nature to build a truly strong and sustainable economy.”

Keir Starmer said he will not tell people what to do with their boilers as he answered questions after a speech on the government’s clean energy strategy in Runcorn, Cheshire.

Asked if people should ditch their gas boilers and whether the government would help them to do so, he said:

I’m not going to tell people what to do with their boilers.

This is not about bearing down on individuals imposing a disproportionate burden on them. I don’t think that’s the way that we take anybody through a transition.

So this is not about a government that’s going to go around the country saying ‘you can do this. You can’t do that.

He said the best approach is to “put in place the difficult decisions to make sure that renewable energy is a reliable source of energy and meet our mission which is to have clean power by 2030”.

The best selling point for the general public is that “their bills will go down and they will go down not just for a short time, but for the long term”, he said.


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Downing Street said the public expects high standards of conduct from police officers.

The prime minister’s official spokesman said:

Clearly we understand the level of concern members of the public rightly have from seeing this video clip.

The public rightly expect a high standard of conduct from our police officers, who are there to protect our communities.

Asked whether Keir Starmer shared the Reform UK deputy leader’s view that the police action was “reassuring”, the spokesman said:

No, he wouldn’t characterise it like that.

As I say, he understands the concern that members of the public rightly have in relation to that video, the public rightly expect a high standard of conduct from our police and it is right that the police have reported themselves to the IOPC.

More from the speech:

Keir Starmer said nuclear power was “very much part of the mix” as he gave a speech in Runcorn on the government’s energy strategy.

Nuclear is very much part of the mix as we go forward. And we will be pushing hard on it.

I’ve already had discussions with the energy secretary about how we can speed up when it comes to nuclear.

He said he was “pretty appalled” at what Labour is discovering about the previous government’s decisions in terms of the speed of projects and the funding put behind them.

He added:

We will clear them up and we will move this on because nuclear is very much part of the energy mix as we go forward. And the task I’ve set the energy secretary is to take such steps that are necessary to make sure this is delivered faster and more efficiently and to do that as quickly as possible.

Steven Morris

Steven Morris

Meanwhile, it looks as if the new first minister of Wales won’t be installed for almost two weeks.

Eluned Morgan, the current health secretary in Wales, was confirmed as Welsh Labour leader on Wednesday.

Vaughan Gething, who announced his resignation as Welsh Labour leader after the donations scandal, has now said he had written to the llywydd (the presiding officer) to recall the Senedd, the Welsh parliament on 6 August.

Morgan is expected to be confirmed as Welsh first minister then. Gething remains first minister for the moment.

In his speech, Keir Starmer said he stands by the figure from Labour’s manifesto suggesting that the party’s net zero energy plans would bring down household bills by £300 a year.

H said:

Yes I do – I stand by everything in my manifesto and one of the things I made clear in the election campaign is because I wouldn’t make a single promise or commitment that I didn’t think we could deliver in government and that’s why we carefully costed and funded everything in our manifesto.

That does depend on early firm decisions being made, which is why we’ve set up GB Energy, why we’ve announced the partnership today with the crown estate and why the energy secretary has already taken action in week one in relation to onshore wind, in relation to solar energy and also pushing on with nuclear. So I stand by that commitment.

What this brings us is lower bills, energy security, the next generation of jobs and of course an important contribution to our obligations in relation to the planet.

Here are some of the top lines from Keir Starmer’s speech on Great British (GB) Energy:

GB Energy will “drive down bills”, Keir Starmer said as he launched the government’s plan for a state-owned energy firm.

This will drive down bills, it gives us energy independence” because the UK currently relies on international markets which is why the energy prices have faced a harder hit than other countries, he said.

He said the money the government is putting into GB energy is intended to be a “catalyst” for private investment.

He added:

It will take time for this to develop it will take time before were able to get the benefits of clean power but that’s why were moving at pace.


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Home secretary meeting Manchester mayor over police incident at Manchester airport, PM says

Keir Starmer said he understands the “concern” over footage appearing to show a police officer kicking a prone man and home secretary Yvette Cooper is meeting the Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, to discuss the video.


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Keir Starmer says ‘every day’ he is finding ‘more mess’ that the Tories left behind

Keir Starmer said the “hard graft of rebuilding this country has truly started” as he accused the previous government of leaving a “rot of shortsightedness and self-service” for Labour to clear up.

Giving a speech in Runcorn, Cheshire, the prime minister said “every day” his administration is finding “more mess” that the Tories left behind.

“The hard graft of rebuilding this country has well and truly started, and it is vital that we begin immediately because the last government dropped the ball,” he said.

He added:

They left us the worst inheritance since the second world war, and every day – every day – we’re finding more mess that they’ve left for us to clear up.

The rot of shortsightedness and self-service that has weakened the foundations of our country.”

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