Friday, September 20, 2024

Bookies’ manager stole to fund gambling addiction

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Management had initially noticed money missing from the safe and, after examining rotas, noticed Cassidy had been working at the time, the court was told.

When they phoned him to ask about the missing cash, Cassidy hung up.

Further attempts to contact him by text were unsuccessful and eventually police went to Cassidy’s home and found betting dockets and bank transaction slips.

Cassidy made full admissions during police interviews.

He said that he had taken the money to fund his gambling addiction, starting with small amounts that he intended to pay back with his winnings.

A defence barrister said there was “no sophistication” involved and that Cassidy had felt “some relief” when he was found out.

He told the court that Cassidy was “remorseful”, was attending Gamblers’ Anonymous and had apologised to his former employers.

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