Saturday, October 5, 2024

5 Chinese zodiac signs that will be lucky this week according to astrology

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The Chinese New Year, represented this year by the Wood Dragon, started in February 2024 and will last until January 2025.

This mythical creature embodies strength and good fortune while representing health and power, making 2024 a notably lucky time for those born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024.

However, the prosperity of the Dragon extends itself to each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. And this week, five of them will be more lucky than the others.

Between Monday, June 17 and Friday, June 23, the patient Ox and lively Horse, among others, will experience a stroke of fortune in their unique way.

While some will discover self-made luck, another Chinese zodiac will determine what truly works for them – and what doesn’t.

1. Ox

Sharing her predictions with Your Tango, intuitive Tarot Card Reader, spiritual guide and astrologer Valeria Black described the Ox’s luck as a “self-starter”.

She said: “Ox, your zodiac sign’s lucky energy this week is all about pulling yourself up by the bootstrings and making something happen in your life! If you are dedicated to your dreams and pursue your goals, obstacles will melt away from your path regardless of who supports you and who doesn’t.” Valeria suggested that luck comes from being encouraged to be more methodical about how to navigate life.

2. Horse

Pegged to experience “sweet luck”, Valeria suggested that those who identify with the horse will find “cosmic blessings unfolding at rapid pace” if they just embrace themselves this week. She urged: “Be sweet to yourself, and destiny will be sweet to you too! Those of you who are in a relationship should try to be mindful of red flags and basic incompatibility.”

The astrologer warned that clinging to the wrong person or allowing people to suck the energy from you will harm your luck, though the colours blue and green are a symbol of good fortune this week.

3. Rooster

The Rooster will build luck this week by “planting and nurturing good seeds”. According to Valeria, destiny and the cosmic forces will help the Rooster in this task. She said: “So make sure you focus on building only that which is of value to you and of high priority.”

Valeria warned against wasting luck on the unnecessary and instead, to be “selective” of who joins your journey. She noted that the wrong companion could hinder instead of help, and to look out for the colour red – it will be lucky for the Rooster this week.

4. Pig

Valeria explained: “Pig, the energy of luck this week for you is all about noticing the world around you and figuring out what’s good for you and what’s not. Once you do, you will find your luck because you will no longer allow yourself to be dragged into the wrong places by the wrong people.”

She urged those who identify with he Pig to consider this message “extremely potent” because the next part of your journey will depend on the present. The astrologer suggests journalling your answers if you feel compelled to, and then meditate on them. Valeria claimed that this “will reveal the lucky paths and options”.

5. Rabbit

Expectant of homegrown luck this week, Valeria said that the Rabbit’s luck this week is deeply attached to personal history. She urged: “Look back and see how much you have grown. Look at how strong and capable you are at present compared to who you were when you were much younger. “

According to the astrologer, this recognition will unveil the luck and guide the next steps. She continued: “Trust that inner knowing. You are currently in an astrological period where the cosmic currents are attuned to your inner currents.”

Valeria noted that while it’s not always easy to separate yourself from such inner currents, you can benefit from them. Look out for the colour green which is lucky for the Rabbit this week.

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